Thursday, October 31, 2019

Boo! Happy Safe Halloween!

Fantastic costumes! 
Thank you to the families who sent such lovely snacks and treats for our class!  You are simply amazing and made today so extra special for our students!
Happy Halloween!  Be safe tonight!  Enjoy the slideshow...

1. No school tomorrow.  Enjoy that family time together, rest and nap!
2. Field Trip forms came home today.  Complete and return.
3. Check out our new Math support letter and log on
4. Monday is our Felting Lady Field Trip (in school program)

Thank you to the parent volunteers who are coming Monday AM to support this hands-on work supporting our Social Studies program!

5. Book orders due Tuesday...
6. Log onto CBE website "My CBE Fees Power School" to pay the field trip fees online.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Sam's Home Project and Skip Counting

Sam's Home Project
Scaredy Squirrel series by Melanie Watt
Today Sam shared his Home Project and taught us all about the author Melanie Watt and her Scaredy Squirrel Book Series.  He taught us all about her books and why he enjoys reading her books.
Thank you Sam for sharing your passion about the Scaredy Squirrel book series!

*Wear your costume or black and orange tomorrow (no weapons/masks)
*Bring water bottle and a personal snack for our Team Movie party in the PM
*Class shared snacks welcome (optional)
*No school Friday, November 1st

Skip Counting by 2's, 5's and 10's
with pumpkin seeds

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Reading in the Learning Commons

Today Mrs. Wong read a Halloween story in the Learning Commons and helped us locate different areas of genres. We practiced using a "browsing stick" to find a book to read.  We then spread out, got cozy and practiced reading using our reading strategies.

The Learning Commons is a magical room in our school filled with so many adventures awaiting us!

Monday, October 28, 2019

Word Families and AHS

Working on building our sight word knowledge using word families during Daily 5 Literacy Centres


Campanelli's Code Word:   Pumpkin Patch

Friday, October 25, 2019

Yikes! A mystery suitcase in the Learning Commons!

Come in costume for The Family Dance for a spooktacular time TONIGHT 6:30-8:30 PM

Students are invited on Thursday, October 31st to wear their costumes or wear black and orange.    Weapons and full-face masks are not acceptable costume for school on the 31st.  We need to be able to see your lovely face!
I have had several families ask if they can send along a nut-free class snack on Thursday for our class party on the 31st.  That would be just fine...
No school on Friday, November 1st (PD Day) 😆

Pumpkin seeds wanted -if you have any left to share-please send in a baggie!


Over $5 700 was raised for our Terry Fox Run!
This year was the most we have raised for cancer research.  Outstanding fundraising effort!
A promise is a promise... at the assembly Mr Janzic and Mr. Wilson dyed their hair/beards hot pink and green!
Pink looks good on you Mr. Janzic!

Mystery Suitcase
On the night of Tuesday, October 22nd, a mysterious suitcase appeared in our Learning Commons.  Mrs. Wong did not know where it came from.  What makes this even stranger, is Mrs. Wong locked up the Learning Commons before she left on Tuesday, but when she entered the Learning Commons Wednesday morning, the suitcase appeared...

Who entered the school and placed it in the Learning Commons?  
There is nothing on the box indicating who it is for or who it is from.  
The box is sealed shut and we cannot open it and it has travel stickers all over it.  
Mrs. Wong said that the suitcase was covered in a thick layer of dust.  
Every once in a while, it moves ever so slightly.  
There is caution tape all around it.  

We were detectives today and wrote all about it today-it was motivating! The students were captivated, curious and had great ideas about the suitcase...

Talk at home about WHO, WHAT, WHY, WHEN, HOW and WHERE did it come from-what do YOU think parents?

Enjoy the weekend!  

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Oliver's Home Project and Read to Self

Today was an exciting day!  
It was our first Home Project and Oliver taught us all about Karate.  He wore his Gee, shared his yellow belt, performed a kata in bare feet, taught us how to count to TEN in Japanese and taught us about the nine belt progressions.
Thank you Oliver for sharing your passion with us!

Applying our Reading Strategies during Read To Self
Building our Reading Stamina


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Extracting Colours in Nature

Science Presentation on Colours in Nature
What colours can we extract from nature found in our environment?

This is green extracted from a Basil plant
What else can we extract colour from?


Monday, October 21, 2019

Numeracy: Building and Representing TEN

After reading Ten Black Dots by Donald Crews, students represented a numeral between 1-10 creating a large, personalized picture format using black dots to build a numeral. 
Students then created a "What Number AM I? flip up to show their chosen numeral using ten frames, as tally marks, in words and as a numeral.   
Two Field Trips Coming Up in November
Volunteers Required...
Are you available and willing?
Do you have your police security clearance?

In-school: Felting Lady November 4- AM only (5 volunteers)

Off site: November 14 all day trip to TELUS SPARK (5 volunteers)

Friday, October 18, 2019

Co-operative Math Challenges

Great creative hats!

Mrs. Campanelli and Ms. Foesier's Classes Were Buddied Up
Material: Yarn
Skills: Cooperation, Collaboration and Problem-Solving

What 2-D or 3-D Shapes Can We Build?
Home Journals and Home Reading Came Home Today!
Read, respond and return the Journals on Monday