Friday, February 28, 2020

Opera Music Revealed!

Ask me about the unveiling of the OPERA music assembly today!  The composer, Mr. Darin came back today to share with our school what the unique music will sound like for our OPERA after K-6 students helped write the words.

Home Letters coming home today!  
Read, Respond and Return Monday!

Enjoy the weekend together with 2 jokes to make you smile...

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Natalya's Home Project

Natalya's Home Project was on JoJo the Singer Superstar who inspires positive self image and to believe in yourself.  We learned all about her music, the hair bows and we watched her music video "Number One You".  Thank you Natalya for teaching us all about your passion of JoJo!

Fantastic book to read for Black History Month
Celebrating heritage, family stories and being unique/special!
Five Senses in Science:  Sight
Today we did a guided drawing lesson, did a blindfolded trust walk around the school and learned about Helen Keller's story.  It was a powerful afternoon to celebrate the gift of sight!

Speaking of eyesight... If you haven't logged onto IRIS yet through the CBE website-do so tonight....
(see what I did there... Iris-eyesight LOL). 😊
CBE website:
Click on "QUICK-LINKS"
Log onto IRIS
username: student ID # (found on report card)
password: child's first name

Enjoy visiting our artifact, response and self evaluation!

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Be a buddy-NOT a bully!


Grade One Team performing in the Music Room for the whole school to celebrate Kindness and Pink Shirt Day.  We were amazing singers!
"It's YOU I Like" by Fred Rogers

Incredible examples of kindness!  Thanks for sharing your pictures...

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Pink Shirt Day

Remember to wear PINK tomorrow and bring in your picture example of kindness...

Log onto IRIS if you did not do it yesterday and check out our uploaded artifact and response!

Monday, February 24, 2020

New Student In Our Class

A BIG warm Hawkwood School welcome to Annanda our new student who joined our class today! 


Wear a pink shirt Wednesday-stand up to bullying!

Send in your pictures showing examples of KINDNESS on Wednesday for Pink Shirt Day!
Log onto IRIS through the CBE quick Links to see your child's artifact, goals and response.  Our Grade 5 Buddies helped us upload, airdrop and respond to our artifact. 

Username: CBE Student ID # (found on your child's report card)
Password: Student's first name

Friday, February 21, 2020

We are 100 Days Smarter!

Love the "old age" app to transform our 100th Day look...
Home Journals coming home today!

Ask about the KINDNESS Assembly Today
PINK SHIRT DAY-Wednesday, February 26th

Click on the link below to see our 100th Day Slideshow!  
Wow!  We sure look good for 100!  Love the creative 100th Day outfits...
Thank you for the awesome 100 day objects-they are now on display.  Such creative ways to represent 100 items... Thank you!