Natalya's Home Project was on JoJo the Singer Superstar who inspires positive self image and to believe in yourself. We learned all about her music, the hair bows and we watched her music video "Number One You". Thank you Natalya for teaching us all about your passion of JoJo!
Fantastic book to read for Black History Month
Celebrating heritage, family stories and being unique/special! |
Five Senses in Science: Sight
Today we did a guided drawing lesson, did a blindfolded trust walk around the school and learned about Helen Keller's story. It was a powerful afternoon to celebrate the gift of sight!
Speaking of eyesight... If you haven't logged onto IRIS yet through the CBE website-do so tonight....
(see what I did there... Iris-eyesight LOL). 😊
CBE website:
Click on "QUICK-LINKS"
Log onto IRIS
username: student ID # (found on report card)
password: child's first name
Enjoy visiting our artifact, response and self evaluation!