Friday, November 29, 2019

Good-bye Movember! Hello December!

Click on the video link below to see our class rocking our Movember mental health support in men...

Fun to see Grade One students with facial hair today!  
Thank you for all your kind financial support!

Looking ahead...  
Tuesday, December 3rd- BOOK ORDERS DUE

Thursday, December 5th -PJ DAY and Santa/Elf Hat Day  
(no school Friday)
Wear school appropriate pj's and/or bathrobe (no slippers or stuffies)

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Snowman Sequencing Vocabulary

Today we were busy learning how to use sequencing vocabulary to build a snowman!

As the weather temperatures change and we head outdoors for recess breaks, please dress in layers and for our cold YYC weather....  Brrrrr!

Reminder to wear, draw or make a faux moustache tomorrow in support of male mental health. 
Coin donations welcome...
Early Dismissal and Deck The Halls tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

James' Home Project

Thank you James for teaching us all about SOCCER!  
We learned so much from your Home Project!   Thank you for the mini soccer balls gifts-we loved them and so appreciative for the take-away.  The shin pads, goalie gloves, soccer shorts, jersey, long socks, cleats and game-size soccer ball sure helped make your project come alive for us.  Thank you for being our soccer expert and teaching us all about the game of SOCCER. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Landmarks in Calgary

Social Studies and Science Connections:

What is a YYC landmark?

We have been learning about YYC landmarks, logos, symbols and fun facts about our local landmarks that define our community.  Your child has selected one of Calgary's defining, unique landmarks.
Today, they have brought home a fun home challenge: 
Students are to look up, read and jot-note two fun facts about their YYC landmark. Kindy help them safely google two fun facts.
Please record on the sheet provided
Sketch the landmark in the box.   (Photo of landmark on the backside of the page).
Return the landmark research tomorrow for sharing and for our next steps...

Psssst... Fun Fact: 
Did you know that we will be drawing up a blue-print plan, then building and designing our landmark with all the awesome and amazing recyclable materials that you have all so kindly donated?  Thank you for the incredible donations!  They will be so appreciated when we build!

The YYC Central Library Landmark 

Did you know...

1. That the new YYC Central Library is located directly EAST of the City Hall and has bike racks on all sides of the library?
2. In the first 7 months that it opened in the East Village that over 1 million visitors went through to tour the amazing facility?
3. Construction started in 2014 by Snohetta architects and was a fully funded $245 million dollar project?
Pretty unique and amazing YYC landmark to visit!!!

Monday, November 25, 2019

"MoVember" Spirit Day

On Friday, November 29th - School Spirit Day
Students are encouraged to wear their own faux facial hair in support of male mental health. In addition, student leaders are collecting any coin contributions for mental health on that day.  
To make an outstanding moustache for Friday, students may use their finger, create their own moustache or purchase one from places like the Dollarama!   Show your support!

December Book Orders came home today...

(last one for 2019) 
Due: December 3rd to be back in time before the holidays  
If you have orders intended as a gift, please let me know and I will contact you for a discreet pick-up.

THE MITTEN-Bringing home our sequencing oral story retell. 
 Ask me to retell you the story and to use ordinal numerals.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Student Led Conferences

Looking forward to celebrating with you and your child!  See you tomorrow or Friday with your child.  We have lots to share with you.  There will be lots of families in the classroom so just come on in and get started...
LOST and FOUND is overflowing!  Be sure to look! 
Check to see if the indoor shoes still fit...
Visit the Book Fair.
Stop in to see Gym and Music teachers too!

Reminder: We dismiss at 1:20 PM (Day 0) tomorrow for student-led conferences!

Here is a sneak peek of In-Line Skating today with Coach C


We go skating again tomorrow!
We are becoming in-line skating experts...

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Grade One Skating Superstars...!
Today we learned how to get geared up with Coach C.  
Ask me about "pizza legs" and how to stop and fall safely.
Water bottles mandatory-we drank a lot! 
Thanks for the shorts, t-shirts and longer socks
Meet "COACH C"
Learning how to stand up on skates with gear

Tomorrow...our class goal is to:
 *gear up quickly so we can skate for longer*
Click below and see us skate...

Monday, November 18, 2019

Book Fair Tomorrow!

Our class goes shopping tomorrow
bring all money in a labelled wallet, purse or zip-loc bag
Feel free to join us from 12:00-12:30 
Your child brought home their wish list today after previewing the book fair.

IN-LINE STARTS SKATING Tomorrow from 9:15-10:30 AM
Don't be late-we are the first class in the Gym
See Friday's blog for what to know...

BABY Photos due tomorrow! 
Thank you for those who brought their picture in today!

MAKER SPACE Building Materials DUE this week!
A huge thank you to the families who have been contributing...

Friday, November 15, 2019

We Are Learning Lots and Making Connections!

Check out our amazing day and our creative collaborations with the Jr. Architects Building Program.  THANK YOU to our incredible parent volunteers for coming along and supporting our hands-on learning!  Sam's Mom, Lucy's Mom, Oliver's Mom and Scarlett's Dad!
Click on our slide-show...

Baby Face Pictures Due Monday!

Please send in one baby face picture of your child (any size)
(all photos will be returned and not damaged)
Campanelli's Creative Kidz Baby Face Contest 2019

1. Fun Lunch Monday
2. Intramurals for our class on Monday following Fun Lunch
3. Opera Preview Assembly -Monday @ 1:20 PM 
4. Our class Book Fair Shopping Tuesday, Nov. 19th @ 12:00-12:30-bring $ in labelled wallet/purse
5. Early Dismissal Thursday 
6. No School Friday
7. Student Led Conferences Thursday PM and Friday-sign up on PowerSchool (students to attend)
8. Maker-Space building supplies

IN-LINE SKATING PROGRAM for our class Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 9:15-10:30 AM.

Things to note: 
•Dress comfortably t-shirt/shorts, sweats/leggings recommended-we sweat!!
•Avoid short ankle socks (longer socks more comfortable)
•Water bottle is mandatory
•All equipment, gearing up, safety checks and training provided by company
•Bring in own labelled helmet if desired

Enjoy the weekend and the incredible YYC November weather!